  • 【Pre-Order】RAVEL




Please read our pre-order policy at the foot of the webpage before ordering (It is important when you want the order sent separately).

Please be aware that the following product is a pre-order and is expected to be released/(Re)stocked in March 2025.

As our supplier hasn’t provided a detailed release/restock date, so it is likely to delay. Thus, we strongly recommend you to order this item separately with all other items to avoid the possible late dispatch of the whole order.

Can you pierce the secrets of the R.A.V.E.L. (Rare Artefact Vertiginous Enigmatic Logical)?

R.A.V.E.L. is an endlessly resettable puzzle, where you’ll have to manipulate 8 dice placed in the centre of a grid in order to solve the Cog cards placed around it. Each solved Cog card will grant you a unique opportunity to further unlock the remaining cards, but only the clever use of your limited resources will allow you to pierce the secrets of this strange contraption.